Friday, June 5, 2009


my daddy ask my mom to heat the porridge for him, then he went to the toilet, after almost half an hour still haven't come out, my mom say he fainted in the toilet, a while later, finally he is out to have his porridge, he told us that he was cirit-birit, maybe is because of the ice-cream he ate before that, he say it taste weird, then my mom said why he still want to eat since it taste different? i think this is the funny part, my dad replied, " i know it taste strange but my greediness don't allow me to stop eating..." my dad kinda like to eat ice-cream, he always CURI MAKAN my Haagen Dazs, just like a small kid.... not only ice-cream, he likes to eat a lot, he owns a restaurant, can you imagine how easy he can get food?

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