Friday, July 31, 2009


just remove the link for my blog to facebook
because i don't want that much of people to read my blog
not that i don't want to share
but it has become an invisible pressure for me
i can't blog what i want to say
i have limited freedom
because there are too many people reading my blog
thru facebook
some of them are too sensitive of what i wrote
and even my post in facebook
what is the reason of using facebook?
for people to simply guess the reason you play a quiz?
for people to know your latest update?
i don't know

please give me some freedom to speak in the world of internet
since i don't really have it in the real world
please let me say what i want here
i just want to release my stress

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


an interesting restaurant i found in Kuchai Lama
which deco with all the OLD stuff
must go and try!
they have branches in OUG and Damansara
but i heard the food in Kuchai Lama is more delicious
( i don't know the address)
the row of shops that just behind the Shell Station
opposite 100yen
you must see their toilet if you go there
because there are two toilets
one is 90's toilet
the other is 60's

Wooden air-cond?? this window remind me of my childhood, i used to stay in wooden house....

everywhere full of OLD toys and decorations, i am sure they will remind your parents of their childhood too!

one side of the wall was paste with OLD comics, and the ceilings with LD

coconut leaves roof with some OLD stuffs, and the fridge full of Bruce Lee's poster
not the printing one, but looks like drawing, those OLD poster

Potato Chicken Chop

Star Mix: Beef + Fish Fillet

cash voucher! they got their own 'BANK'

Saturday, July 25, 2009


went Pavillion to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
sorry to say that
i personally don't like it
compare to previous stories
i found the storyline not so interesting
and i don't even know when it ends

the time now is 0204
25th July 2009
what day is today?

getting older, don't always act like small kid k?

wish you....

= healthy always =

= laugh more =

= have more money ( for me to spend) *evil* =

= getting fatter =

= getting taller =

= getting fairer =

and the most important is

== love me more..... ==

Thursday, July 23, 2009


went The Garden with mon and her friends
because there is a big sale for all branded clothes
but we reached there at 8:45pm
so we only got to shop in Armani Exchange
there is 30%-50% off for t-shirt!
mommy ask me buy some
since got sale
but i answered
" i bought a lot recently, i got enough t-shirts"

i can't believe these words came from my mouth!
at least i got improvement
it has been almost a month
i never buy any clothes or shoes
my wardrobe is full and messy
actually this is not the main reason that i stop shopping recently
i need to save money to buy a new notebook
and also e-dictionary
wait till i bought these two items
then i will start my shopping again!

but now only i realize how much i can save
if i din't go shopping
not to tell the amount here
later people rob me

its not easy to control a shopaholic to buy things
just save money for one more month
then i think i got enough money to buy the 2 items
then i can buy as much clothes as i want!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


看看现在铺天盖地的关于双鱼的各种传说,分析,解释。似乎无一例外的把双鱼当作了一个女人的星座,动不动就是流眼泪,唉声叹气。可惜可叹,如果双鱼真的只 是这样的一个星座,那么可以说没有一个人愿意去做双鱼,而历史上也不会有什么著名的双鱼人物了。 现在让我还给你一个真实的双鱼座。  最本质的部分:思 考双鱼座的最本质特点是什么?善良?懦弱?温柔?不是,我告诉你,是思考(在很多情况下,是过多的思考)。    

是的,双鱼座的一切特性,都来自于他过 多的思考,或许世上没有第二个星座比双鱼座更能洞察别人的心理,更能分析事情的本质。    你可以称之为敏感,但是一旦这种敏感能够正确的使用,那么没 有人能比双鱼座更快的学会人情事故,在这一方面,有一个双鱼座的伟人做的尤其出色,他的名字是周恩来。   因为思考的太多,所以双鱼座的人就算不是真正 善良的,也至少是表面善良的。对于双鱼来说,善良与其说是本质,不如说是双鱼喜欢的一种生活方式,以善良的方式活着,是轻松而又受人尊敬的,一般的双鱼座 很早就能洞察到这一点.再谈谈温柔,这一点,不管是哪篇文章,都不会忘了提双鱼座的温柔。是的,双鱼的确是温柔的。因为双鱼总能敏感的体会到对方的细微变 化,时刻了解到对方心意的转变,表现在行动上,就是能尽快的知道,什么时候应该为女孩披上自己的外衣,什么时候应该停下手里的活,转过身去和女友好好的说 话。   
与众不同的部分:信仰   双鱼的信仰就是没有信仰!    
在双鱼的世界里面,没有绝对的对和错,如果发生了一件事,他第一件做的事情是去 理解这件事,去分析这件事,而不是去判断这件事是对的还是错的。   下面引用一段话说明双鱼的这个特点:     '鱼座男人没有偏见,没有亲自穿著鹿皮走几哩路,他不会评断印地安人;没有试试赤脚走路,他也不会评断裸体主义者。甚至这些做了,他还是会满心谅 解而不会过于批评。他很少冷酷的指控,倒是每每温暖的忍耐,他甚至会试试了解他的岳母,天底下有几个男人能这样?海王子拥有罕见的同情精神,他的朋友向他 吐露秘密而从不担忧会把他吓著,要吓到鱼起码需要两吨以上的炸弹。如果你和我以及你的鱼儿三人同坐一室,一个男人走进来告诉我们他有些担忧,因为他重婚, 在四个州各有一个老婆,你可能眼睛瞪得大大瞧他,冒著火,心想监狱是最适合他的地方,我可能鄙夷的说他是个卑鄙的流氓,但你的鱼儿很可能问:'那四州?你 爱不爱她们其中任何一个?'鱼很好奇,但防震。对他来说,这个家伙需要一缸子同情以及好得要命的律师。    有一位伟人利用了这点特性,结果成就了科学 史上的神话,他就是爱因斯坦。    

双鱼的致命缺点:懦弱  现实中的双鱼座确实给人太多的失望,懦弱,多疑,自卑,优柔寡断,没有主见.....一个 双鱼座或许没有上面全部的特点,但至少会有一,二个。就算是伟大如周恩来,有时候难免有些优柔寡断和没有主见,当然,这种时候不多。         

造成双鱼座优柔寡断的原因很简单。因为同样一个选择,在一个射手看来,只需要考虑2样东西,但是在双鱼看来,却需要考虑10样东西,因为 他想的实在是太多了。简单的说一句话,双鱼都会想到它会给周围的人带来多少种不同的影响,它会让人对自己有怎么样的看法,会不会造成误解。(虽然很多时 候,双鱼会冲动的把一些话脱口而出)    

至于多疑,这点和自卑联系的比较紧密。虽然双鱼座能轻易的了解对方的意图,看透事情的真相,但是却往往不能坚 持住自己的观点,这种不能坚持大多数是因为双鱼座自己不愿接受这个事实,也有很多时候是因为双鱼对自己不够自信。关于前一点,比较突出的一个例子是,双鱼 座的女孩不到男孩子直截了当的告诉她,他不爱她了,女孩就总是还抱有一线希望,虽然女孩心里明白的很。    

懦弱呢?关于这点,和信仰联系在一起。你一 定觉得很奇怪,懦弱和信仰又有什么关系呢?   信仰是种很可怕的力量,他可以让一个人做出平时不敢做的事情,拥有不该拥有的勇气,牺牲不该牺牲的东西。 而双鱼恰恰是没有一丁点信仰的,就算有,也不过是为了给生活加一点调味剂,或是给自己找一个避难所。对于双鱼来说,自己能过舒适,安稳的日子,比什么都重 要。富贵如浮云,最想的开这点的就是双鱼座了。至于爱国什么的,酒饱饭足的双鱼可以慷慨激昂,也会不惜重金施于,但是只是建立在自己有好日子过的前提下。     


只要能让自己和爱人平平安安,有什么不可以忍受的呢?什么尊严,什么气节,见鬼去吧。所以只要不把双鱼逼 到绝境,你尽可以嘲弄双鱼的懦弱。每条鱼的忍受范围都不同,但一般都比正常人多那么一点点。但是如果你不小心让一条鱼觉得无路可走了,那么你真的要小心 了。鱼可以践踏人间一切法律,无视所有道理,更不会考虑自己的尊严和人格。你务必要相信这一点,虽然这种时候很少,但那只不过是因为上帝不想让人们经常看 到地狱的惨状。   

与其说双鱼是个为爱情而活的星座,不如说双鱼是个为感情而活的星座。   对于双鱼来说,世界上最重要的东西是感情,一条精神上满足的鱼,可以没 有其他东西,就已经是最幸福的人(当然,绝大多数情况下,没有其他东西,很难精神上满足)。    
任何感情对于双鱼来说都是重要的,爱情很重要,但不 见> 得会比亲情更重要,在双鱼的眼中.  对于鱼来说,感情是单纯的,是单独的。鱼可以原谅对方的一切,只要那个人是真心对他好的。你可以十恶不赦,可以吃 喝嫖赌,可以之前是人尽可夫的妓女,可以是个卑鄙无耻的骗子,都可以原谅,只要鱼能确定你是真心的喜欢他,对他好。但是请注意一点,大部分的鱼都比你聪 明,不要以为你的小伎俩可以骗到鱼,你是不是真心喜欢他,他比谁都清楚。    

对于一个男孩子> 来说,双鱼女孩能给你对于一个女孩子想要的一切,温柔,爱你不顾一切,可爱(很多时候是装的,鱼大多数是很聪明的),体贴.....     
对于一个女孩子来说,双鱼男孩....嗯.....看你的运气了,如> 果你遇到的鱼是个没有志气,不想做事,玩玩乐乐的鱼,而且他已经25岁左右了,那么好心的提醒你,还是尽早离开他吧。除非你是个富婆,或者你只是找个情人 (没有人比双鱼更适合做情人了:安全快乐而无副作用)。否则,你会经历世间最凄凉的婚姻和生活,阿门 那么如果你遇到的鱼是有事业心,能上进,肯做事的 鱼,或者干脆就是事业有成的鱼,那么真的是恭喜你,你是千万少女中最幸运的一个,再挑剔的女人也无法对一个有上进心有事业的鱼有更多的要求了。你可以得到 世界上一切的温柔和快乐,包括用钱买的到的和用钱买不到的,鱼很乐意把他的一切奉献给他爱的人,看到他爱的人开心,他会更开心。大部分的鱼的'一切'仅仅 只有感情,而没有物质,但是我们现在讨论的是最优秀的那种鱼,那种能随时把名望和财富送给你的鱼,现在你知道你有多幸运了吧。    

提到感情不得不提 的:公平   很奇怪吗?> 公平对于双鱼来说,是个很重要的单词。   
双鱼没有普遍意义上的价值观,是非观,你不能用这件事这样做是对的,那样做是错的来说服一个双鱼座。永远记 住,鱼的世界里很少有对错。   
那么鱼又是怎么来处理他和别人(尤其是爱人的关系)呢?> 就是公> 平。如果鱼曾经有过十几,二十个女朋友,那么他就不会在意你以前有过多少个男朋友,如果鱼一个不小心跑出去玩了一夜情,那么你一夜情的时候,他也会选择无 所谓。 3 真> 实的双鱼座!超准剖析!    
好吧,就算你的鱼纯情的一塌糊涂,你是他(她)的第一次,他也可以原谅你的曾经花心,一时花心,可能会的花心,只要你能用 足够的关心和真心的喜欢弥补。鱼大致兑换了下你的关心(兑换比例只有天知道了,呵呵),如果觉得双方大致公平的(相对于他对于你的感情付出),
那么他就无 所谓,就会原谅你。   
所以和鱼相处是件很简单的事情,只要你能保> 证你给他的和他为你付出的差不多多,就可以了。至于伦理道德嘛...嗯,讲真的,鱼从来不是教条主义者。反过来,如果你让鱼觉得你对他的关心不够多,对他 的爱不够多(不够多是指没有他给你的多),那么鱼会在痛苦之后,也相应的减少对你的关心和爱,不要怀疑,这方面,鱼比谁都表现的现实和斤斤计较。    
感情中的完美主义>   鱼在意的东西很少,所以很不幸,鱼对于他在意的东西就是完美主义者的态度。对于鱼来说,完美的情人不是忠贞不二的情人,不是事业爱情兼顾的情人,也不是外形完美的情人。鱼要求的是'完美的爱'。>   你可以不经常说我爱你,但是你说的时候,一定要是真心实意。你可以很少陪他逛街,但是你陪的时候,一定要是真的开开心心。

    你也可以对他说很少的情话,但是你要保证,你对别人说的情话更少,而且你对他说的是真心的话。对于鱼来说,欺骗和做作是最不可原谅的。很多人以为简简单单的>对鱼说几句我爱你,固定性的发些短信问候鱼,经常为鱼买些好东西就能让鱼觉得被爱了。真不幸,大部分鱼都聪明过了头,一般都能轻松辨别那些举动是真心的, 那些不过是手段(如果你曾经用这些手段征服过双鱼女生,也别得意,只不过是双鱼女生比男生更难以拒绝别人而已)。       
所以,请诚实一点对待鱼, 爱他多少就给他多少,他也会给你同样多。这至少比他生你的气好的多,不是吗?   
双鱼真的浪漫吗?所有的星座解释都会说双鱼是浪漫的,但是所有 和双鱼(特别是双鱼男生,一般浪漫都是指男生做的事情)接触过的人,都往往感觉不到双鱼的浪漫,到底是为什么呢?难道双鱼并不浪漫?    
我给 你个肯定的答案,双鱼绝对浪漫,他脑子里面的浪漫点子不仅包含了所有好莱坞大片的经典场景,还有更多他自己的原创镜头,他时不时的都在幻想浪漫的场面,一个 鱼可能在他18的时候就开始想他30岁结婚的布置。        
那么为什么现实中是两样呢? 因为2点,自卑和善良。前一点很好理解,大部分的浪漫需要自信。很多时候,不是鱼不想浪漫,而是不好意思和没胆子那么做,你能理解是吧,呵呵。    
双鱼的爱情大部分是有些被动的。鱼总是轻易的喜欢上一个女 孩子(注意,我用的单词是喜欢),然后开始和这个女孩开始交往,然后十有八九,会发现这个女孩不是能给自己完美的爱的女孩(这是肯定的,遇到最合适自己的 人哪有那么容易),鱼很现实的知道,他和这个女孩不可能有将来的,2个人能拥有只能是一段回忆。那么对鱼来说,绝大部分的情话都会说不出口,因为鱼自己知 道这些话都是骗人的,很多浪漫的举动做不出来,因为鱼不敢让女孩陷的太深,怕分手的那一天女孩太伤心。很多人说处女,金牛的人想的多,其实鱼想的并不比他 们少,只不过犹犹豫豫又舍不得的鱼,就算明了的知道和女孩没有将来,也不会点破,只会静静的维持,享受拥有的每一天。但是这样的情况下,鱼的善良就让鱼忍 住了很多浪漫的情话和行动。    

我这么说是不是显的鱼很高尚?呵呵,没有什么真正高尚的人。鱼能如此的为女孩着想,是因为这么做能让鱼觉得自己很伟 大,有一种悲剧式的美感,鱼愿意让自己沉浸在这种自我的意淫中.   当然,这样至少比不顾别人的死活,只图自己开心要好的多是不是?> 所以还是应该为鱼们鼓鼓掌的。所以,如果有一天,你看到一条浪漫无比的鱼,不要怀疑,他已经认定你们有个美好的未来,他已经知道他不会给你太多的伤 心了,那你还犹豫什么?上去拥抱你的幸福吧.    


双鱼有很多缺点,但是大多数都可以原谅。除了2条,懒惰和犹 豫。而双鱼要成为一条好鱼,所需要的东西很简单,事业。  
 其实不用去提醒鱼们其他的事情了,他们自己都能想明白。只需能保证鱼能稳步进行他们 的事业就可以了.一旦鱼用心去赚钱了,那么他肯定能赚到钱。但是这一点很难,真的很难,如果有一天,你看到一条生龙活虎的鱼,千万不要放过,好好的捆住 他,很有可能,他会带给你所有的梦想

Monday, July 20, 2009


finally done with my preparation for persuasive speech
had been practice few times
but not really fluence
need more practice tomorrow
because i am having 4 hours break between two classes
have to study for world religions' quiz
luckily i am the last speaker
so that i can take my quiz
then go to the next room
to do my speech
because they fall at the same day and time
4pm - 7pm

my topic for persuasive speech is
Help the children of Africa through World Vision Malaysia
i will talk about the life of Africa children
and how World Vision Malaysia can help them
hopefully it is interesting enough
i edited a short clip with pictures of Africa children
with my theme music
Childhood Memory
but i seriously need more practice
sleep earlier to have more energy for tomorrow
Good Night

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


can u see how big is the prawn??

heart shaped durian! same size as the apple....
looks like curry puff??

baby durian for baby alysa!!

will you order all the yellowish dim sum?? i won't, but some "SMART" people will! hahha

my dad when he was 15 years old, do we look alike?? haha

Sunday, July 12, 2009


" why don't you iron your daddy's pants since you are so free at home?"
am i?
this is what mommy talked to me
once she reached home just now
i got a 1500 words of essay to write
i only did 4/18 assignments for world religion
i have to do half of the analysis report
i have to prepare my persuasive speech
finals just in two weeks time
am i very free?
if yes,
how only consider as busy?
i don't know

i sit infront of my computer
doesnt mean i will watch drama only

Saturday, July 11, 2009


that day went pyramid for lunch with mom
went "xian ding wei"
it's a taiwanese restaurant
the price was reasonable
and the food there quite yummy
must drink mix fruit tea!!

pumpkin dumpling

tomato beef

the pipe was broken
and cause the road flood
can you see the "fountain"?
(the van blocked half of it)


hsiao ling




tiffany tang couple

tiffany + yion couples

nicholas chow

tiffany tang

tiffany loo

jess lim

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


i got 23/30 for my abnormal psychology
although i didn't get full marks or as high as them
but i am happy with it
because i know my ability
thanks jojo for your notes
without your notes
i really can't find the important points
my notes and your notes always have a big difference
thanks to michelle for your explanation
u remind me to study physiological approach
although i mess up psychodynamic with psychoanalysis
but marian say its still ok
thanks jojo for your cute facial expression
so that i can remember the points easier

i am not changing faculty
if i take diploma
i still have to take adp, major in psychology
because there's no other psychology degree in segi
and the big problem is my ptptn
so stick back to my current studies

Sunday, July 5, 2009


something had bothering me these few days
i am still considering
should i change faculty?
went to see ms mariam on friday with eevon
she want to change her faculty to early childhood psychology
i want to change to diploma of psychology
i just wan to do my studies step by step
ADP just skip from general to degree
i missed a lot of knowledge if i skip diploma
if go step by step
i think it will be easier for me

something that made me surprise was
my mommy encourages me to just focus on psychology!
due to the drama
" Great Way to Care"
she had totally change her impression
towards psychology due to alex fong
she even said that
if i really interested in this subject
there's no problem if have to pay more
i cant believe these words came out from her mouth!
if you know me
i think you will properly know about
that i argue with my mommy when i went for registration in segi
because she didnt let me study psychology
she say there's no future for this subject in malaysia
and worry that i will be one of the psycho
but now
she had totally changed

everything will be confirmed
after monday
will talk to the marketing people
because the only problem now is
i just apply my ptptn
and i will know the status of application on tuesday
the course that i registered was ADP
must get future information from kelvin

Thursday, July 2, 2009


went look out point western restaurant yesterday
the environment there was very good
but the food there just average
although it's a weekday
but quite a lot people there
mostly couple

table 5

horoscope drinks : pisces : mix 8 beans

special beef burger, taste like Ramlee burger =.=

bratwurst german sausage

kl night view ( bad quality phone camera )

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


finally mid term is over
can take a short breathe now
at least let me rest for a day
lack of sleep since friday
to study abnormal psychology
and yesterday only started my world religion
i just focus on definition of religion
because there are 6 essay questions
one question from each chapter
just do one question
so i choose definition of religion
because there's only 12 pages for this chapter
not that much to memorize
and much more easier to understand
i cant even understand about the hinduism
the native american and native african religion
still not that tough

when i got the paper
it mention
"no marks for mere production from notes"
have to critical analyze
i spend most of my time memorize
but this is better
cause i just simply write
my own religion point of view

i drive to college because its just a 2 hours paper
but i finished in one hour
on my way back
summit jam as usual
when i reached the 2nd tol
(NPE - from subang to my house)
it jam just infront of the tol
so many cars

what is the purpose of using a tol highway?
" to avoid traffic jam."
but if the tol highway is jam as well
what for we queue to pay ?
to pay for a better highway without jam
to pay for a jam highway?

why can't people just use touch'n go
or smart tag?
its much more easier and faster
if smart tag is too expensive for the deposit
touch'n go is cheaper!
i thinik only rm10 for deposit
and i think it is refundable
but the most important is
save everyone's time!


watched transformer today
good show!
but the ticket was so expensive
because we watched in Signature
it cost us rm20/ person!
but the 'SOFA' was so comfortable and big
quite worthy if the show is good + comfortable seat